
Microaggressions are are subtle slights and indignities based on an identity like race, gender, or sexual orientation. My research has focused on understanding how students experience microaggressions and how those experiences are related to their achievement, motivation, and well-being.

We have developed an app called MicroReport to track microaggressions. MicroReport is an app for Android and iOS that allows students to anonymously report microaggressions they’ve experienced on  campus. Users can also view the reports submitted by other anonymous users on a map. The app is no longer available to the public, but please get in touch if you are interested in learning more about it. You can view the Android user guide here to see how the app works.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, we conducted a research study at UCSC on microaggressions using MicroReport. Below are some presentations based on the data. We are currently analyzing the findings from the full study for publication.


Byrd, C.M. (2018). Microaggressions Self-Defense: A Role-Playing Workshop for Responding to Microaggressions. Social Sciences, 7, 9. (full text


Responding Effectively to Microaggressions: A Research-Based Workshop (Poster) (Paper PDF)

A Thousand Cuts: Racial Microaggressions Are Related to Lower Self-Image Over Time (Poster)

Video of Forum on Microaggressions in the Classroom

Presentation on 2015-2016 Study Preliminary Findings

Debriefing Form for Participants

Presentation at NASPA NorCal 2016

Pilot Study Report

Press Coverage

Initial findings to be released in study of microaggressions on campus – UCSC News

Microaggressed on Campus? There’s an App for That – Heat Street

The Subtleties of Prejudice – City on a Hill Press